The story of one high schooler trying to wade through all the petty drama, with the only way she knows how. Sarcasm. Note: All names have been changed for protection.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Awkward starfish!

Parties are always usually never fun. At least for me. Someone ALWAYS hates another person, someone sulks, someone cries. Goodness! Its a lot of work. Its just usually awkward too...(hence awkward starfish) But Friday's party was the worst. I'm not going to get into specifics, because I'd probably get into trouble. But all you need to know is that one person was freaking out and sulking the entire night, which is no fun for anyone.

Flipping get over yourself! Its a PARTY, and you planned this in the first place to have fun. So have fun, dang it!!

Love, Maddie

I have a friend who i will call Brista Kerry, and she is addicted to facebook stalking. Brista, this is a wakeup call. Get some help. I love you, and support you in whatever decision you choose, as long as you don't stalk people. Its just creepy. And if you are friends with Brista, be warned. Nothing is safe, she WILL see it. NOTHING IS SAFE!!!


  1. ha! i figured out how to comment...ahh i feel like such a winner :)

  2. Hey look. It's me! I enjoy this post. For a moment I thought you were talking about SATURDAY'S party. So I was like WHAT?! WHO?! But nevermind that :)

    Psh, yeah Maddie par-tays! every night on the weekends.
