The story of one high schooler trying to wade through all the petty drama, with the only way she knows how. Sarcasm. Note: All names have been changed for protection.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

From the view from your front yard, the new curtains look fabulous.

Today's question is: stalking. Is it okay? I'm not talking about literally trailing someone and stealing their mail and whatnot. No, facebook stalking is the craze nowadays. (See what I did there? I rhymed. I shouldn't be fined, my paper is lined, my drink is limed. ANYWAYS!) If you're old or don't have a facebook, here's what it is: going through a person's profile, looking at pictures, statuses, or anything they have ever put on the Internet. Basically by the end of the stalk, (if you do it right) you know everything about the person, without ever talking.
Sounds creepy when I put it that way, huh? So that's my question. Is it okay? It's not like the person will ever know. It's impossible to see who has looked at your page. You can't even see how many people were looking. It's interesting to know about other people, especially of they're a cool person. And maybe you're just curious. "Gee, what did *insert name here* do today?"
On the other side, it's just WEIRD. It's weirder the stalker is obvious out their habit/addiction, too. Scenario that's happened to me a lot:
STALKER: "What did you do this weekend?"
ME: "Well, I went to the mall with my-
STALKER: "I know. You bought a dress from Forever 21. (weird heavy breathing) I read it on facebook"
ME: "..."
And then I run away. If you are either one if these people, here's how to avoid it!
To the "me"s: Stop putting such personal information on facebook, and don't add potential stalkers as friends. If you suspect a stalker, de-friend pronto.
So what do you think? Is it okay? Or is it worth the creepy-ness? Do you enjoy knowing everything about your friends? Do you not even care? I should make a poll, since you people obviously don't like th current one. (I've had over 900 views, and FIVE people vote. I'm saddened.) But I won't, I'm on my iPod. That's my dedication I guess! My hands are cramping. Anyways!


Pray for Abby. If you don't do the whole praying thing, it's okay. We don't judge here. Send her happy get-well-soon vibes.

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